El libro revisa en trece capítulos el concepto de peregrinación en las tres religiones, así como diversos casos, muy variados histórica y geográficamente, en que las peregrinaciones han podido ser un elemento de paz y no de conflicto. Los capítulos recogen diversas intervenciones del IV Coloquio Internacional Compostela, celebrado en el 2010 con patrocinio de la S.A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo
Introduction, Antón M. Pazos
1 Higher Purpose: Sacred Journeys as Spaces for Peace in Christianity, Michael A. Di Giovine
1 Higher Purpose: Sacred Journeys as Spaces for Peace in Christianity, Michael A. Di Giovine
2 Jewish Pilgrimage and Peace, Norman Solomon
3 Pilgrimages: Spaces of peace and conflict, Yehoshua Frenkel
4 Green Pilgrimage: Problems and prospects for ecology and peace-building, Adrian Ivakhiv
5 Identitarian Pilgrimage and Multicultural Society, John Eade
6 Christian pilgrimages in Muslim lands: The case of Algeria, Henri Teissier
7 Muslim Shrines and Multi-Religious Visitations in Hindus’ city of Banaras, India: Coexistential Scenario, Rana P.B. Singh
8 Sacred places and pilgrimages – Mechanisms of Peacemaking in post-comunist Bulgaria, Margarita Karamihova,
9 Pilgrimage sites in the Holy Land: Pathways to Harmony and Understanding or Sources of Confrontation?, Noga Collins-Kreiner – Deborah Shmueli – Michal Ben Gal
10 “The Mainstany of my Kingdom”: Saint James’ cult as an element of identity and consensus building in the Early Middle Ages, Carlos Baliñas Pérez
11 Patterns of War and Peace in the Latin East:
Antioch, Edessa and Aleppo 1099-1127, John France
12 The knights of Marmelar, peace and conflict in a country of pilgrimage Paula Pinto Costa – Maria Cristina Pimenta
13 Pilgrimage in modern Spain: Change and transition, José Andrés-Gallego
Epilogue: The Janus Face of Pilgrimage, Simon Coleman
5 Identitarian Pilgrimage and Multicultural Society, John Eade
6 Christian pilgrimages in Muslim lands: The case of Algeria, Henri Teissier
7 Muslim Shrines and Multi-Religious Visitations in Hindus’ city of Banaras, India: Coexistential Scenario, Rana P.B. Singh
8 Sacred places and pilgrimages – Mechanisms of Peacemaking in post-comunist Bulgaria, Margarita Karamihova,
9 Pilgrimage sites in the Holy Land: Pathways to Harmony and Understanding or Sources of Confrontation?, Noga Collins-Kreiner – Deborah Shmueli – Michal Ben Gal
10 “The Mainstany of my Kingdom”: Saint James’ cult as an element of identity and consensus building in the Early Middle Ages, Carlos Baliñas Pérez
11 Patterns of War and Peace in the Latin East:
Antioch, Edessa and Aleppo 1099-1127, John France
12 The knights of Marmelar, peace and conflict in a country of pilgrimage Paula Pinto Costa – Maria Cristina Pimenta
13 Pilgrimage in modern Spain: Change and transition, José Andrés-Gallego
Epilogue: The Janus Face of Pilgrimage, Simon Coleman