21 oct 2020

Presentación en el IEGPS del libro Relics, Shrines and Pilgrimages.


Hoy se presentará a los medios de comunicación el libro Relics, Shrines and Pilgrimages. Sanctity in Europe from Late Antiquity, que acaba de ser publicado en la conocida editorial inglesa Routledge y del que es editor Antón M. Pazos, vicedirector del Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento. El libro refleja el 10º International Colloquium Compostela, que tuvo lugar en  Santiago de Compostela con especialistas de diversos países.

Antón M. Pazos, Introduction: relics, holiness, and devotion. Philippe George, Relics as historical objects: overview, methods, and prospects

PART 1 The relics of St James in Europe
2 Adeline Rucquoi, Relics and pilgrimages of St James the Greater in France
3 Simon Yarrow, Keeping the Angevin peace: the hand of St James in England
4 José Andrés-Gallego et al., Roncesvalles as a reliquary on the way to Santiago
5 Ofelia Rey Castelao, Visiting the Apostle Santiago: pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela in the 16th to 19th centuries
6 Antón M. Pazos, The course and consequences of the reinventio of the relics of St James in 1879

PART 2  Furta sacra
7 Edina Bozoky, The theft of relics in the Middle Ages: arguments, typology, and legitimacy
8 Amalia Galdi, Furta sacra in southern Italy in the Middle Ages
9 Klaus Hardering, The Three Magi: places of worship in Cologne Cathedral

PART 3 The resilience of relics and shrines
10 Alexandra Walsham, Mobile martyrs and forgotten shrines: the translation
and domestication of relics in post-reformation England

11 Stella Rock, The life of dry bones: pilgrimage to relic shrines in Soviet

PART 4 Relics and science
12 Georges Kazan and Thomas Higham, The relics of the True Cross: an interdisciplinary approach
13 Kazimir Popkonstantinov and Rossina Kostova, The relics of St John in the monastery
on the island of Sveti Ivan near Sozopol, Bulgaria: 
archaeological and scientific research